The liturgical adaptation project has as its generating concepts both the full respect and enhancement of the existing architecture and the total adherence to the guidelines provided by the CEI Note on "The adaptation of churches according to the liturgical reform": in particular, it is important to emphasize the autonomy and reversibility of the intervention, carried out without alteration of materials of the container, with the exception of the reduction of the balustrade.
The new liturgical fires, and the space that interconnects them, avoid forms and materials that can clash with the harmony of the whole: they reorganize the space of the liturgy and structure it hierarchically by placing it in the most appropriate places, creating proportions and mutual relationships with the existing.
17 May 2019, 6 p.m.
Speech by Fabrizio Rossi Prodi (Rossiprodi Associati) at the Cathedral of Pescia
Liturgical adjustment of the Cathedral of Pescia
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